Respiratory Conditions

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Allergies can present in many ways. The symptoms are often seasonal and can manifest with coughing, wheezing, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, hives (rash) or runny nose. It is often associated with eczema and asthma.


During the incredibly complex process of coordinating food from the mouth to the stomach, food or liquid can enter the airway through the vocal cords. This is called aspiration.


Asthma is a condition that effects the lower airways and is defined by a recurrent and reversible narrowing of the bronchioles or smallest airways. There is a reversible constriction of the muscles of the airway as well as an inflammatory response that contributes to the symptoms.

Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Newborns born prematurely can have a developmental lung disorder called bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) often times called chronic lung disease of prematurity. This condition ranges from very mild to very severe.

Chronic Cough

A cough that has lasted for a prolonged period of time, typically more than 8 weeks duration. There are many reasons to have a chronic or persistent cough. We address some of these causes in the link below.

Chronic Respiratory Failure

At times, children require chronic mechanical ventilation via a tracheostomy tube. Other types of respiratory failure simply require supplemental oxygen via nasal cannula or face mask. Click below to learn more about chronic respiratory failure.


Croup is a syndrome caused by a viral respiratory infection that leads to a narrowing of the upper airway due to swelling and is often associated with a barky (“barking seal”) cough.


Laryngomalacia is a common abnormality in very young infants. It often presents with stridor (that harsh or sharp noisy breathing on inspiration) and can be associated with an increased work of breathing, difficulty feeding or poor weight gain. It also may not have any negative consequences.

Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension is a broad category of conditions that includes disorders of the pulmonary arteries, disorders of the pulmonary veins and any condition that leads to a high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation.

Respiratory Infections

There are many types of respiratory infections. They can be due to viruses like the flu, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) or the common cold (human rhinovirus), due to bacteria (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) or rarely a fungal infection.

Tobacco Exposure

Sadly, this is very common and includes anyone exposed to second or third hand tobacco smoke. Children exposed to second or third hand tobacco smoke can frequently have a chronic cough, chronic runny nose or congestion and can often have asthma that is challenging to get under control.


Tracheomalacia represents a spectrum of disorders of the main trachea that lead to floppiness or collapse of the airway. Your child can be born with this condition or it may be associated with other conditions such as an enlarged heart.

Tracheostomy Dependence

In some instances, children require a tracheostomy tube to help overcome issues with breathing. These issues can be related to a challenging anatomy or the need for ongoing mechanical ventilation support.